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Comments due for NOAA Scoping for Modifications to ALWTRP (Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan)
Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 5:00 PM EDT
Category: Public Comment

Notice of Scoping for Modifications to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan

Public Written Comments Due October 11th, at 5 pm

NOAA fisheries is announcing a scoping period for the next phase in the modifications to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan. NOAA is asking for ideas and suggestions for measures for all U.S. commercial fisheries regulated by the Plan that would reach a 90% risk reduction as discussed during the November 2021 Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team meeting.

Scoping conducted in Fall 2021 for Phase 2 modifications to the Plan considered the need to reduce risk in coast-wide gillnet fisheries and mixed species Atlantic trap/pot fisheries, as well as the mid-Atlantic lobster and Jonah crab fishery. However, due to the continued decline of North Atlantic right whale population, the ongoing Unusual Mortality Event, as well as a recent court decision that held the 2021 rule invalid, modifications to the Plan including all U.S. Atlantic commercial fisheries are necessary.

Because the Northeast lobster and Jonah crab trap/pot fisheries account for approximately 93 percent of all fixed-gear buoy lines covered under the Plan, even with significant risk from those fisheries reduced by measures included in NOAA's most recent rule, additional measures from these fisheries are legally required to further reduce risk to North Atlantic right whales.

How Can I Comment?

The Notice of Intent filed in the Federal Register todayThe 30-day public scoping comment period begins tomorrow and closes on October 11, 2022.

To submit written comments, go to regulations.gov and enter docket # NOAA-NMFS-2022-0091. 

Contact: Marisa Trego, ALWTRT Coordinator - 978-282-8484